Entrepreneur Spotlight: Ría Ramirez

Entrepreneur Ría Ramirez, a woman with curly hair, is sitting outdoors at a table with a rectangular plate of food and a glass of green juice. She holds a black wallet and looks towards the camera while smiling. The table is set against a wood-paneled wall.

Entrepreneur Spotlight: Ría Ramirez


Good Food Good LivingRía Ramirez is the owner of Good Food Good Living, a healthy-living catering business that offers organic and responsibly-sourced food cooked in a way that allows the body to absorb the nutrients it needs while tasting delicious. Ría comes from a family of “food people;” her paternal grandfather owned a ranch where they raised cows and chickens and had a garden full of fresh foods all year round. Her maternal grandfather owned a small store that offered easy-to-take lunches and snacks that Ría wanted to replicate one day. Both of her grandmothers were excellent cooks, and while they had different approaches to cooking, Ría was able to combine the two influences in her own recipes focusing on flavor but also health and wellness.

Ría was born in Guadalajara, Mexico, and raised in Los Angeles before settling in Colorado in 2006 as a young adult. Her attention to how food was being distributed started when she was working in the public school system and noticed a vast difference between what she was offered in her school days versus what the schools now were not only offering but pushing on students as alternatives to healthy, balanced meals. This propelled Ría to do some research. She realized that product placement was penetrating the school system and sponsorships were encouraging young people to favor less healthy options and really become addicted to high preservatives and sugars at a young age, ultimately causing the generational health problems that so many Americans face today. Ría wasn’t in the business of getting into policy work, but she knew she wanted to do something to help fix things at her own capacity.

Ria Ramirez

With a culinary degree that she obtained after high school, Ría started to cater for small events, and she started volunteering with MetroCaring. Through her work with the organization, she discovered RMMFI and enrolled in the program to get some extra help on how to create a business plan and run her business. With the help of RMMFI’s Business Launch Boot Camp, Ría was able to transform her business from just a catering service to a space that is eco-friendly, inclusive, safe, and healthy. She started the program in 2019 and completed virtually in 2020 as part of the first pandemic class.

Ría loves to give back to her community, and being involved as an RMMFI program alum brings her so much joy. “Being around other entrepreneurs inspires me to work harder and smarter. I love that I can do this by being part of the Bamboo Club Leadership Team.”

You can book Ría for your next event or check out what she has to offer on her website or Instagram page. As an active alum, Ría also regularly posts and shares useful information on the Bamboo Club Facebook page.

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